Resolving Internet Explorer 11/Microsoft Edge Browser Issue with Client Central


This summer, Microsoft will discontinue service to the Internet Explorer web browser. If you recently purchased a new computer, you may have noticed that Microsoft did not load Internet Explorer as a browser option and now only provides Microsoft Edge. Not being able to use Internet Explorer creates challenges when accessing and viewing Client Central. Below is a quick overview of these issues, as well as a solution available to you.



Pre-November 2021 Computers: Microsoft will no longer support Internet Explorer, which will open your computer up to potential virus attacks and data breaches.

Post- November 2021 Computers: Internet Explorer is not an option on these new computers and Microsoft will not let you download it, forcing you to use Microsoft Edge.

How to Resolve:

Use Advisor Group’s OneClick solution to update your browser settings to be compatible with Advisor Group technology. Follow these instructions to install the OneClick solution  or click here to install the solution (AG-OneClick Edge Update) and then restart your computer.


Issue: If your computer is issued and managed by an OSJ or Managing Executive, it may need to go through a specific set of steps to allow your group’s administrator to update all computers at once.

How to Resolve: Contact Technology Support using Fast Track Code 1-1-5


Client Central’s age is contributing, in part, to the challenges you may be experiencing. By mid-summer, we expect to have developed a replacement for these key client and account management components of Client Central: add new client, edit existing client, open new accounts, and edit existing accounts.

We will begin a very careful rollout process beginning with small functional test groups, expanding to larger pilot groups, and finally evolving into a broader, phased launch to ensure we carefully migrate all our financial professionals to the new experience.

Thanks to all who helped us test and refine this solution. We appreciate your continued partnership.


Contact Technology Support using Fast Track Code 1-1-5.